Monday, June 24, 2024

New Blog Alert! Over to Meraki I Querencia

 Dear all, 

I started this blog when I had barely finished my MA final exams. There's a lot of cringe-worthy juvenilia here if you probe which I would happily disown. Also, this blog has been hibernating and dormant now for over 3 years since the pandemic period where somehow I languished, life languished, although writing and publishing did not. But I did not update the new publications on my blog. 

I'm at a different turn now, I have new and different writing projects in mind, and I thought of starting a new one in a new way, with a better idea of what and how I write-- excessively attached though I am to people, places, and well to blogs too, this one will always remain a testament to how I began my journey and to that foolish and naive kid who still, in many ways, lives on. 

Cutting out the literary rhetoric and the emotional crap, please find me henceforth at Meraki I Querencia (

I look forward to your visits! 

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