Friday, February 8, 2019

Hello Hello!! After a year's absence, I am back. PhD submitted. Viva awaited. Huge 3 lakh word PhD thesis submitted, equal to three theses. 

The anthology I mentioned in the last post never came out because the editor was publicly accused of sexual harassment. 
But, as I mentioned, the poem was earlier published in an Assamese LGBT newsletter called Xukia (The Forbidden) , so I am putting it up here now anyway. 

Learning to Wear a Mekhala Sador

If I stand lean limbed
slim waisted, dry skinned
bare skinned at my stomach
in a petticoat and
a blouse that fits just so.
If there were swathes
of a rich gorgeous orange around us
like the one you wore that day,
outstanding against your dark skin
and mine. If you were to tuck my mekhala in,
wrapping it round me like a skirt
your slim cool fingers tickling, teasing my skin
deliciously. If you were to then
make the pleats, asking me to hold
one end of that brilliant orange
to tuck the sador into the mekhala,
wrapping it round appropriately
in your graceful graceful way
giving me a full bodice
of that luxuriant orange.
In other words, if you were to teach me
how to wear a mekhala sador
Wouldn’t it be love(r)ly   
And then, if you were to wear one too?

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